Greetings Eureka Grand Chapter Officers and Members:
The Projects Committee of Eureka Grand Chapter invite s you to participate in our ”2019 Blitz” Drawing. There will be One Winner of this One Fabulous Prize Package!
The single winner of this drawing will win Hotel Accommodations and Tickets/Registration to each of the following 2019 EGC and MWPHGL Events:
• l Hotel Night at Mid-Year Assembly -&- 1 Ticket to the Grand Master’s Ball;
• 1 Hotel Night -&- 1 Ticket to Eureka Grand Chapter’s Venetian Ball;
• 2 Hotel Nights -&- 1 Registration Fee to EGC – or – MWPHGL Annual Grand Session.
NOTE: If the Winner is not interested in the Prize Package, they will have the option of receiving $500 Cash Award instead.
Tickets are $10.00 ea. or Three (3) for $25.00. The Drawing will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2020 at the Quarterly School of Instruction.
Tickets are available for your purchase. Make Checks payable to: Eureka Grand Chapter. Mail to: Eureka Grand Chapter ~ 454 W. 155th St. ~ New York, NY 10032 ~ Attn: Drawing Committee.
Tickets can also be purchased in EGC’s Grand Secretary’s Office and from EGC’s DDGMs, DDGPs & DDGLs.
We look forward to your participation and we thank you for your support.
Yours in the Rite,
~ Project Co-Chairpersons ~ GS Clarisa Brown (71) / GT Betty Nelson (66)
~ General Chair ~ Phyllis Johnson (54)