PM Torsha Childs (45)


DDGP Trevor McLeod (81)

Grand Secretary Assistants

PM Michelle Louis-Juste (1)
Sis. Dorothy Beard (32)
Sis. Cynthia Chadwick (43)

Database Management

PM Kelly M. Etheridge (43)

Subordinate Chapter Annual Returns

PM Michelle Louis-Juste (1)
Sis. Dorothy Beard (32)

Grand Recorder

PM Michelle Louis-Juste (1)

Interim Grand Treasurer

PGWM Diane J. Smith (66)

Assistant Grand Treasurer


Grand Orator

PM Rhonda McLean-Nur (41)

Grand CCFC

PGWM Lisa D. Horton (8)
PM Selina Sullivan (76)

Grand Points

Adah: PM Rosa Johnson (81)
Ruth: PM Valerie Spratley (42)
Esther: PM Denise Michele Riley (34)
Martha: PM Norma Diggs-Murrell (29)
Electa: PM Valerie Roman Ramsay (1)

Grand Sentinel

PP James Andrews (25)
PP Carlos Smith Ramsey (1)

Grand Warder

PM Moretha Matthews (44)

Grand Chaplain

PM Shirley Holiday (54)
PM Claretha Smith (65)
PM Mattie Little (42)

Grand Musician

WP Derrick Wiggins (47)
PP Joseph Forsythe (47)

Grand Historian

PGWM Wilma J. Johnson (27)
PGWM Mary Boyd-Foy (81)
PM Mary Keeling (57)
WM Courtney Chaires (60)
Sis. Barbara Youngs (75)
Sis. Susan Watson-Amos (11)

Public Official Liaison

PM Teri Coaxum (34)

Grand Legal Advisor

GAC Delores Lopes (42)

Color Guard

Parade Rest

Administrative Instructor

PM Esther Annan (10)

Assistant Administrative Instructor

PM Alice Love (59)

Grand Lecturer

PM Charmagne Tellis (14)

Assistant Grand Lecturer

PM Cheryl Stanford (45)

Dean of Patron School

GAP Anthony McEachin (18)

Grand Marshall East

PM Pauline Cherry (42)

Grand Marshall West

PM Melanie Murillo (66)

District Deputy Grand Matrons, Patrons, Lecturers & District Marshals

First District

District Deputy Grand Matrons

PM Sabrina Crockett (40) 27, 44, 67
PM Shante Goodwin (47) 1, 25, 35
PM Lisa Dicks (66) 40, 71
PM Raqueil Shelton (40) 41, 47, 71
PM Juliet Thomas (35) 58, 25, 14

District Deputy Grand Patrons

PP Patrick Ryner (41) 1, 27, 35, 41
PGWP William Dyson II (47) 30, 47, 66
PGWP David Minor (67) 23, 25, 67, 71
PP Sandio Sanchez (14) 14, 40, 44, 58
PP Dayequan El-Amin (14 ) 30, 44, 58
PP Demetrius Lawrence (27) 25, 27
Bro. Louis Sheppard (71) 66, 71

District Deputy Grand Lecturers

PM Shatonga Jones (67) 1, 27, 30, 44, 47, 46
PM Simone Francis (67) 23, 25, 40, 58, 67
PM Charmagne Tellis (14) 14
GC Clarisa Brown (71) 41, 71

District Marshals

PM Chandra Fleming (23) 23, 27, 47
PM Tiphani Banks (14) 66, 67
PM Dorcedious Davis (25) 1, 25, 41
PM Zenda Smith (30) 30, 35, 71
PM Cynthia Cortijo Rodriguez (14) 14
PM Nancy Leonard (44) 40, 44, 58

DDG Marshals will be assigned to chapters as needed


Second District

District Deputy Grand Matrons

PM Alice Love (59) 34, 43, 54
PM Debra Lowers (34) 45, 59, 81
PM Katheann Woodruff (54) 34, 81

District Deputy Grand Patrons

PP Derek Pritchett (59) 81
WP Kevin Parker (34) 34, 45
PGWP Nigel J. Cudjoe (27) 59
PP Donnell Raye (31) 43, 54
DD Trevor McLeod (81)

District Deputy Grand Lecturers

PM Valerie Diggs (43) 43, 45
PM Tameka Monroe (59) 34, 54
PM Cheryl Stanford (45) 59, 81

District Marshals

PM Tristie Tappin (81) 34, 45, 54
PM Lavet Velez (81) 43, 59


DDG Marshals will be assigned to chapters as needed

Third District

District Deputy Grand Matrons

PM Marie George (26) 8, 18, 46
PM Sheila Johnson (41) 28, 72, 74
PM Gail Joyner (44) 26, 76, 82
PM Veronica Davis (8) 42

District Deputy Grand Patrons

HPGWP Northern Wilcher (8)
PP Curtis Nelson (82) 18, 82
WP Firan Chisolm (82 ) 42
HPGWP Henry Rowlett (46) 26, 46
PGWP Marvin Williams (74) 74
DD Marcus Tellis (30) 28, 76
PP Jeff Jackson (28) 72

District Deputy Grand Lecturers

PM Margo Abraham (76) 8, 72, 74
PM Charmagne Tellis (14) 18, 26, 46
WM Jessica Ganus (58) 8, 42

District Marshals

PM Taya A. Vilmar (76) 8, 46, 76
PM Cynthia Cortijo Rodriguez (14) 72, 74, 28,
PM Pauline Cherry (42) 18, 26, 42, 82

DDG Marshals will be assigned to chapters as needed

Fourth District

District Deputy Grand Matrons

PM Loretta Huggins (40) 27, 31
PM Nikia Holland (29) 62, 63
PM Cynthia Providence (29) 64, 65

District Deputy Grand Patron

PGWP Paul W. James (31) 31
PP Lawrence Pickering (47) 29, 32
PP Richard Providence (29 ) 62, 65
PP Derrick Wiggins (47) 64


District Deputy Grand Lecturers

PM Jayne Johnson (64) 62, 64, 65
PM Joyann Gittens (29) 29, 31, 32

District Marshals

PM Cynthia Brooks (64) 62, 64, 65
PM Deborah Brown (29) 29, 31, 32

DDG Marshals will be assigned to chapters as needed

Fifth District

District Deputy Grand Matrons

PM Renee Dye (11)

District Deputy Grand Patrons

DD Cle Banks (75 ) 75
PP Gary Oxendine (60 ) 60
PP Jeff Jackson (28) 11


District Deputy Grand Lecturers

PM Desiree Chaires (60)

District Marshals

PM Shirley Bristol (11) 11, 60, 75
PM Janie Roper (11)11, 60, 75

Sixth District


PM Dorothy Brunson (3) 2, 19, 22
PM Deborah Crouch (22) 3, 6, 83


District Deputy Grand Patrons

PP Wayne Washington ( 2) 2, 3, 19, 22

District Deputy Grand Lecturers


District Marshals

Chapter Appointed Marshalls

Seventh District


District Deputy Grand Matrons

PM Judia Shaw (57) 7, 77
PM Chandra Pierce (77) 10, 21
PM Esther Annan (10) 57, Shiloh UD

District Deputy Grand Patrons

PP Howard Davidson (77) 57, 7
PP H Melvin Powell (57) 21
PP Oswaldo Mestré (77) 77
PP Adel McTier (10)
PP Ralph Wilson(10) 7, 10


District Deputy Grand Lecturers

PM Tameka Dixon (10) 7, 10, 21, 57, 77
PM Sarah Frasier (7)
PM Esther Annan (10) Shiloh UD

District Marshals

Felicia Scott (77) 21, 57, Shiloh UD
Telicia Scott (77) 7, 10, 77

DDG Marshals will be assigned to chapters as needed